September is Mental Health Awareness and also Suicide Awareness month. These are always important topics, but this year in particular, it feels imperative that we shine a light on these subjects.
What is L.I.F.E.?
L.I.F.E. - Living In Fulfilled Enlightenment - is a nonprofit organization
founded on the belief that everyone deserves a chance to have sustained happiness and fulfillment in life. LIFE was designed to help teach self-care, how to deal with stressors, and maintain wellness and happiness. We believe that if people are supported in their well-being they will optimally perform at their highest performance level.
We focus our efforts on the medical community - an often underserved area for mental health support. Now more than ever, our medical community is working harder and under incredibly stressful conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic. Their mental health is deteriorating and the resources available are diminishing. We work to teach, guide, and support our medical community through workshops, seminars, and self-care centered events year round.
Virtual Wellness Crisis Support Group
In order to help combat this mental health decline in our medical community, LIFE has partnered with the Arizona Trauma Response Network to create the Virtual Wellness Crisis Support Group. We are offering a free session to medical professionals, frontline workers, and any others in the medical field who are experiencing a mental crisis during this time.
The Support Team is comprised of doctors who specialize in mental health and medical professionals who are trained in peer counseling. Whether you are experiencing a crisis, or just need a listening ear, help is available 24 hours a day and this caring group is here for you.
About the Support Team
Click over to our About the Team page to learn more about our Support Team and how they can help you when you need it most!
